I finally felt brave enough to sign up for evening class (February 2019) to see if I could still draw after decades of nothing remotely creative unless you count balancing everyday life.
Evening class was a good place to start for me – I had forgotten all sorts from how to mix colours to drawing methodologies. But, oh my, what fun, not only to be with people that were interested in the same subject but the utter joy of being submerged into creating. I loved it!!. This first step gave me the impetus to sign up for other courses to try out different mediums and ideas.
These paintings are from my first attempts trying out the feeling of using watercolour, pastel and acrylic again and experiencing using oil.
We all need a hobby – try something that you have always wanted to do. It is life changing on so many levels, from new friendships and experiences, to finding purpose, joy, and most importantly something for yourself.
Devon Travel Poster
This was from my first evening class. The brief was to copy the vintage style of a travel poster of Devon in acrylic. I couldn’t remember how to mix the colours so it was an interesting experience. For a first go at painting after decades I felt very happy.
Foxgloves (Watercolour). I enjoyed the precise detail of this – using masking fluid to block out the drawn foxglove flowers and then mix a watercolour wash over.
Winter Walk
“If winter comes can spring be far behind..” from the poem Ode to the West Wind by Shelley (One of my mum’s favourite poems).
The darkness of winter is the time of rest and replenishment. Buds and shoots in the hedgerow are already forming with the promise of lighter days to come. Enjoy the coldness on your face and the fleeting beauty that the snow brings.
Rainy Day in the City
Cars are a bit wobbly but enjoyed trying to get the look of the rain and the wet on the road.
Autumn Day, Pavillion Gardens, Buxton [Acrylic]
Art often triggers memories and emotions and while painting I recalled walking across this bridge once with someone I loved very much.
Many things I wished I had said in that moment. So, if you’re reading this….Stop….and look your friend/family/lover in the eyes and tell them how much they mean to you. Don’t wait. Don’t miss the opportunity and regret you didn’t say anything. If you don’t tell them, how would they know?
Rediscovering Pastel
Pastel practice. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed using pastels and I think along with charcoal it’s my favourite medium to use now.
Coastline – Although I found it hard work trying to express the cliffs and the sea I love the softness that can be created with pastels.
Standing Stones – I didn’t find this image that inspiring to work from in class, but I ended up being pleased with the light on mountain.
Yosemite National Park
My first try painting landscape using oils. Created on Jacob Gourley’s oil painting classes in Liverpool [www.jacobgourley.com]
This was a joy to create and play with. It re-ignited an interest in painting landscape and I will be trying out again in the future.
The school summer holidays after I finished exams, my parents gifted me... read more
A dear friend and mentor challenged me to express my emotions, feelings... read more
These were developed on a thoroughly enjoyable abstract art course with AWOL... read more
I find there is a peacefulness in studying and painting a still... read more
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