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November 2021

Abstraction: Emotion

A dear friend and mentor challenged me to express my emotions, feelings and spirituality in art form.  At first I was slightly bemused by this idea, but the more I dipped into the creative possibilities, the more I wanted to experiment and follow this through.

Abstraction: Tramlines and Mark Marking

These were developed on a thoroughly enjoyable abstract art course with AWOL Studios, Manchester. I was getting back into my groove of painting and yearning to experiment. It is wonderful trying something new even if it doesn’t work out the first time.

Still Life and Life Drawing Practice

I find there is a peacefulness in studying and painting a still life and something that I very much enjoy practicing. I also love drawing the human form, and whenever I sketch it always makes me consider how utterly extraordinary we all are.

Starting to Draw Again

We all need a hobby – try something that you have always wanted to do. It is life changing on so many levels, from new friendships and experiences, to finding purpose, joy, and most importantly something for yourself.

College Days

A few things that I still have from my art college days. I did an art foundation year, followed by Graphic Design at Bournemouth Art College and final year at Epsom.

Discovering Pastel

The school summer holidays after I finished exams, my parents gifted me with an art course with a local artist who specialised in pastels. These are the sketches from that week, around the villages and lanes near Ramsbury in Wiltshire.